First Modeling Stint Proposal from Singapore

E-mail message from Amanda, associate producer of MTV Asia and creative director for Ace Saatchi- Saatchi.

"Can you please update your photos (solo) so that we can evaluate which projects fits you best for our presentation and for our upcoming modeling projects. I am stationed here in Singapore and would love to hear from you. Please send me yourcontact number so that we can talk along with YM account so that it would be easy for us to contact you should we need your services immediately.

I am Amanda and I would like to hear you soon about this.
By the way you are not required to pay us in any way. We pay you first 50% of your talent fee as down payment no questions asked.

First online conversation thru YM

Associate Producer: hi dear
Associate Producer: how are you

Richmond: im doing fine ... bout you?

Associate Producer: doing great
Associate Producer: are you one of our applicants for modelling?

Richmond: am I qualified for that?

Associate Producer: I assume
Associate Producer: I think I earlier sent you a proposal

Richmond: that would be great to hear.

Associate Producer: is it ok if
Associate Producer: I type first everything you need to know before you ask questions?

Richmond: sure ... go ahead ...
Richmond: well, im waiting.

Associate Producer: First and foremost remember that EVERYTHING THAT YOU WILL BE NEEDING is paid by us. (hotels, airfare, transportation, food & outfit for the project)

1. Update your photos.

2. Once you've updated your photos we then present these to our clients.
Note: Our clients total 560 ranging from food to cosmetics giving you our models more chances of getting projects from us.

3. If you're approved by the client we then send you money for your travel taxes along with two way tickets to and from Singapore. Your visas are also taken cared off by us.

if everything is clear with this first set let me know so that I'll continue typing

Richmond: alright ... you may continue

Associate Producer:

4. Once you arrive we then check you into your hotel where we present you the contract along with the concept paper.

5. If you sign the contract, we pay you IMMEDIATELY 50% OF YOUR TALENT FEE IN CASH. We never pay in checks

6. AFter that we have our shooting which only takes about a day. The longest is 2 days but we never go as far as 2 days.

7. If everything is complete and everything is double checked and there are no more things to re shoot we then pay you the remaining balance again in cash.

The talent fees are as follows:

Commercials - US$2,000
Print ads - US$1,000

if everything is clear with this 2nd set let me know so that I'll continue typing

Richmond: you may continue ...

Associate Producer: I am Amanda Tan, an associate producer for MTV asia and also creative director for Ace Saatchi Saatchi

The faster that you can send us your photos the sooner that we can have projects for you.
The type of photos (at least 30 photos so that we can choose which is the best) that I want you to update are as follows:


Before you ask a question, do you think the above mentioned policies is fair or not?

Richmond: everything's fair so far ... you may continue.

Associate Producer: have you done any sort modeling in the past?

Richmond: well, i've got an offer before but then since I'm not yet ready that time, I refused. Just recently, I've got an offer from a talent scout to join a "Talent Search" but me, being too busy with my studies, my sched didnt fit in. However, I do host events a lot (it doesnt require much time). Now, I think, I can make it. (if given the priviledge).

Associate Producer: so no background in modeling then?

Richmond: i do ... school affairs. haha ... title holder for searches.

Associate Producer: do you already have your passport?

Richmond: I am currently working on it.

Associate Producer: the moment you're approved and we've made the necessary paper work with the immigration department here in Singapore for your travel papers and working documents we'll send these via courier and send you over cash for your travel taxes along with processing on your side for approval with your government. Also we will be sending you the plane tickets so that both of you can travel to singapore for each of the projects. The reason for this is we need to present to you first the paper before you approve of any contract so that you can still have the opportunity to turn back if you don't want the project.
